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pjur Product Training in Norway

Luxembourg/Wasserbillig, SEPTEMBER 2015. The employees of the Kondomeriet, a leading retailer in Norway, were delighted to receive exclusive product training from pjur Sales Manager Stefan Daniel last week. Kondomeriet is one of the largest Scandinavian retail chains in the erotic and lifestyle sector, a pjur customer for many years. The event took place at a luxury hotel in the center of Norway’s capital, Oslo.

Following a presentation on the history and company’s mission and philosophy, the staff was given specific training on each pjur formula. There was also a round of questions and the Kondomeriet team not only asked great questions, but was enthusiastic and communicated their great respect and admiration of the pjur brand. More than thirty people attended the event, including store managers, employees and members of purchasing, marketing and the social media departments. Marketing Manager Lena Borge, Purchasing Manager Sofie Jonsson and Managing Director Merethe Sarris were also in attendance. At the end of the training, each participant received a pjur med bag with sachets of the new pjur med personal lubricants and informational material plus a 100ml bottle of pjur Woman. “Kondomeriet is a woman-oriented chain, pjur med and pjur Woman products are very popular in their stores”, explains Stefan Daniel. “Product training is most important with the vast line of formulas offered by pjur. The employees were very happy to receive the training and gain so much pjur product knowledge. The free pjur products we also much appreciated.”

In addition to the successful training, Kondomeriet is doing a month-long promotion of pjur products with a 20 percent discount in its 10 branches and is also advertising this with in-store point of sale as well as web marketing and advertising.

The pjur team is available for product trainings and interested parties should contact sales@pjur.com. More information is available at http://www.pjur.com/en/dealer-gb/pjur-support.html. 

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