Masturbation: Do You Do It Regularly, and Do You Talk About It?

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Any men reading this probably have a very clear answer, but what about the women? Do you masturbate regularly and, if yes, what do you think about it? Unfortunately, many women will not have given this a moment’s thought. Yet, as we discovered with our pjur&yourself survey, men and women who masturbate actually have a pretty similar attitude.

So, we want to concentrate on women in this article, and find out more about how often you ladies actually masturbate, why you do it, what you use to help you, and what role personal lubricants play? From our survey pjur&yourself we discovered six facts about #femalemasturbation that we’d like to share with you. So, prepare to be surprised, and hopefully this article will finally get you talking about #femalemasturbation!

Men vs. women: Why female masturbation deserves more attention

“Men masturbate regularly, women don’t.”

Unfortunately, this statement, which is fixed in so many people’s heads, is a huge part of why women don’t talk about masturbation! It’s time to correct this statement: men regularly masturbate and talk about it; women also pleasure themselves regularly, they just don’t talk about it. Our survey pjur&yourself proves this as you can see:

On average, around 50% of our pjur&yourself participants said they masturbated 2-4x per week – and this is the case with both men and women*. More precisely, the figures were as follows:


And apparently men usually talk about masturbating, whereas only a tiny proportion of women do. At least, that’s our experience. And we think it’s about time that changed! Let’s talk about #femalemasturbation

That wasn’t the only thing we found out about female masturbation. Keep reading to find out more.

This is what makes you orgasm

Do you prefer to just concentrate on yourself when you pleasure yourself, and use your hands to gently reach a climax? Or do you rely on personal lubricants to help you recognise your desire? Naturally, there are no limits, but our pjur&yourself survey found some pretty clear tendencies for how you prefer to masturbate:


Source: pjur&yourself Survey 2021

Most of you prefer to use your hands to climax. But erotic toys are also popular, and many of you can’t do without personal lubricant, which can make your touch even more pleasurable for you.

Why women masturbate & why you should do it more often

Now it’s time for the reasons why women like to do it to themselves. Here for both men and women there is only one main reason – to orgasm! You enjoy making yourself climax, and the pleasure and relaxation it brings. But as well as orgasms, you ladies also told us why it makes sense to pleasure yourself:




Source: pjur&yourself Survey 2021

We hope that most of you ladies know what makes you orgasm. And you know that your own desires can provide so many other aspects and opportunities for satisfying yourself. By masturbating, you’ll get to know your body and your desires better, and understand how that can lead to a fulfilled sex life if you can talk to your partner about it – if you are in a relationship that is.

Masturbation in relationships – definitely not a no go

For women, satisfying yourself is not just a question of “satisfying yourself”; masturbation is also a part of your relationship – either while having sex with each other, or even while watching your partner get aroused, and especially when they’re heading for a climax. So, for you…



Source: pjur&yourself Survey 2021

You like to do it here best, ladies

Do you always get yourself cosy in a particular place before indulging yourself? Or do you want the adventure and thrill of always doing it in a different, maybe even public, place? We discovered that your home is definitely your sanctuary when you want to pleasure yourself! And when you’re there…



Source: pjur&yourself Survey 2021

You prefer to do it in the bedroom. But in the shower or snuggled on the sofa in the lounge are also popular places to masturbate.

And even though we only looked at you ladies when it came to location and aids, we can tell you – and we proved it with our survey pjur&yourself – that here again, there are no real differences between you ladies and the men. So, there’s no need to wait – why not start talking about it now? 😉

To finish, let’s just summarise our facts about #femalemasturbation:

  • You like doing it almost as much as men.
  • You like doing it best with your hands, sex toys and a lot of personal lubricant.
  • The main aim for you when you masturbate is of course to orgasm. But you also want to get to know your body and your desires better.
  • And it doesn’t matter whether you have a partner or not.
  • In the bedroom, shower or the lounge is where you most like to concentrate on yourself.

And as a sixth fact, you told us that you like to use our pjur WOMAN Aloe for masturbation:


Source: pjur&yourself Survey 2021

Our nourishing water-based personal lubricant with aloe vera provides enough moisture for masturbation and is compatible with sex toys. It is easy to wipe off and does not leave behind marks.

We want to encourage you to talk about masturbation and how it can help every woman to explore their own body and in doing so, improve their own sex life! Let’s talk about #femalemasturbation

*Comment from the editors: These are not representative figures for the entire population, but a survey within the group of people who said they masturbated at least 1x/ month and have bought, used or considered using personal lubricant in the last year.

Image source: pexels-arthouse-studio-4592015

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