25 Years of pjur&you – Who You Are and How Our Relationship Looks Like
21 October 2020
It has been a privilege to be part of your love life for the last 25 years, bringing you more feeling, more sensations, more adventure, more preferences, more touch and more wellbeing. Thank you! To mark our anniversary, we wanted to find out a little more about you and us – about our relationship. That’s why we probed a little deeper in our big pjur&you survey – which saw around 2000 of you taking part – to find out who we are actually in a relationship with, how long we’ve known each other, how we met, what you like best about us and how we can make things even better for you. The results are in and it goes without saying we don’t want to leave you waiting for the answers
Who you are
You know us and you’ve already had chance to put our products through their paces. But we wanted to find out more about the people we’ve established such an intimate relationship with too. According to our survey, 67% of you are men and 30% are women. We seem to appeal to a variety of age groups. In fact, all ages are represented in our survey, from 18 to 64 and beyond:
As for your relationship status, most of you have a partner (31%) or are married (26%). So, like us, you are more likely to be someone who believes in long-term relationships based on trust.
Needless to say, we are open to all other forms of relationships as well:
Who you are attracted to is also fundamental to our relationship, of course. The majority of you (68%) are heterosexual, 15% are homosexual, 11% fancy both sexes (bisexual), and 3% of you think gender is irrelevant, while a further 3% don’t fall into any of the categories we suggested.
We think this already tells us a lot about you and about our relationship. But to get to know you even better, we also needed some more information about how our relationship actually is.
How our relationship looks like
Twenty five years is a long time, but obviously we haven’t known all of you that long. In fact, 6% of you have been in a relationship with us for 25 years. This is something we are very proud of and we look forward to many more happy years to come Some 43% of you have been in love with us for many years, while 39% of you felt those sparks some time ago. We are in new relationships with 12% of you. This is a very exciting time for us too. We’re looking forward to what lies ahead!
How did we actually get to know you in the first place? We first met the majority of you online (37%) or in a sex shop (31%). A good 16% of you told us we were set up by a good friend, while some of you started a very special relationship with us through social media (4%) or a magazine (3%). These aren’t the only places where we hit it off with you, of course.
We also met some of you in these places:
- At a relationship counselling session
- At the gynaecologist
- At a sex toy party
- At the pharmacy
- At the doctor’s surgery
- With a random order
- In the book ‘Wetlands’ by Charlotte Roche
- At a swingers party
- At a health trade fair
Wherever it was, we were captivated from the moment we met you
Getting to know and love each other is one thing, but maintaining a happy relationship is something else entirely. So it makes us even happier to know that our relationship is going well (31.5%) or even very well (63.5%) with most of you. Only 0.4% of you said that it‘s complicated. And we promise to fix that!
And as with any good relationship, there is still room for improvement between us. But now that we know you would like a more practical bottle above all else (40%), we will naturally do everything we can to make our relationship even better:
All the same, we still love being with you. After all, 80% of you only really have eyes for pjur and no other brand of personal lubricant. That makes us extremely happy, because we like to be in a monogamous relationship too
And it seems we have impressed you so much that you are very happy to talk openly about us and your relationship with us. In fact, 96% of you like to talk about us and recommend us to others. We like. We love talking about being in a steady relationship with you too
Every relationship has its own special secrets. We asked you to share ours, and you told us that what you like most about pjur and the time you spend using our pjur products are the intimate moments, the pleasurable sensation during sex, the long-lasting lubrication without being sticky and the high quality of our products:
Now we know who you are and what our relationship looks like. But since personal lubricant plays a special role in our relationship, we naturally wanted to find out a bit more about you. What’s more, we still don’t know what else could win people over if they aren’t already in a relationship with us. We’ll be telling you all about that in our next article, so that’s something to look forward to
Want to see all the results from our pjur&you survey right now? Check out the results here.