Certified Personal Lubricants: Why Quality Is the Right Choice for Your Intimate Area

Personal lubricants are used on the most intimate parts of your body, and even enter it. This is why it is particularly important that personal lubricants are compatible and tested appropriately. However, with such a wide range of lubricants on the market, choosing the right product can be difficult. At pjur, we want you to always use a quality lube, as your intimate parts are as important to us as they are to you! So, let’s talk about why quality is so important in your intimate area and what it means to buy a certified personal lubricant.

Why worry about the quality of personal lubricants?

Because it’s your intimacy! As a supplier of premium intimate products, your intimacy and therefore your intimate mucosa are very dear to our heart. We always make sure that our personal lubricants have a high level of compatibility, and boast the best quality and consistency. With our products you get personal lubricant quality that is consistent and perfectly suited to all your preferences. We are your reliable and enthusiastic partner for all possible sex practices. Because if you don’t have to worry about the quality of your lube as you’re using our certified personal lubricants, then you’re free to enjoy a sensual experience. There’s no need for you to wonder about the ingredients or anything else that could affect your intimate mucosa. Instead, you can be fully present, and live out all your preferences! Sounds good, right?

Recognize tested medical personal lubricants at a glance

So that you understand how to recognize certified personal lubricants, and therefore personal lubricant quality, we’ve put together some more information for you on things you need to look out for when purchasing personal lubricants:


When buying a personal lubricant, look for these two labels. Here you can see the “CE mark,” which is important. This tells you whether a product meets the European Union’s health and safety requirements. If a product, in our case a personal lubricant, has this mark, it complies with the directives and standards required by the EU. You should also look out for the additional four-digit number just below, which here also shows you that the personal lubricant is a medical device.

But only if, in addition to the CE mark and the four-digit number, you can also see the “MD mark” you can be sure that this product is a certified medical personal lubricant.

Why are we trying to explain this to you so clearly? Put simply, because there is a difference between a medical personal lubricant and a cosmetic lubricant/beauty preparation. Cosmetics are defined by their area of application. They can be used externally on intimate areas, but are not suitable for entering the body. As this is essential for a personal lubricant, it’s important to us that you know that only a medical personal lubricant is a safe personal lubricant for you and your intimate area.

In addition, as a manufacturer of medical devices, we need to be able to prove the compatibility of all ingredients according to defined standards. You can read more about what ingredients are in our products and why we use them here.

You can rest assured that when you use a pjur personal lubricant, you don’t need to worry about where and how you use our personal lubricants. You can concentrate completely on living your sexual desires and fantasies!

What we also want you to know, as a manufacturer of medical devices

With us you can rest easy knowing that all pjur personal lubricants are medically tested and consciously manufactured without perfume and added flavors. Our products are dermatologically tested, which guarantees you get a skin-compatible product. pjur personal lubricants are easily wipeable, 100% Made in Germany, and suitable for condoms. We also make sure that we always take note of your consumer feedback on possible incompatibilities and problems with using our products.

Medical devices are also categorized into different classes. Our personal lubricants are class IIb medical devices. In brief, medical devices are categorized into different classes from I to III according to their ability to harm the body. Our personal lubricants enter the body and are therefore invasive medical devices, which is why we are regularly certified according to ISO standard 13485:2016 and have been a certified manufacturer of medical devices since 2014.

If you want to find out more about the directives and regulations for medical personal lubricants, have a look at our blog article here.

Quality is the right choice for your intimate area

Quality is the right choice for your intimate area

Be won over by our premium personal lubricants

Have you never tried pjur personal lubricants, but want to be won over by our certified premium personal lubricants?

Then get your hands on our “Intimacy Box” now, with two of our pjur med personal lubricants, a handy booklet that tells you everything you need to know, and a cosmetic case to store your certified personal lubricants. Get your “Intimacy Box” here now.

With pjur you can be sure of what goes into your body and is used on your intimate mucosa. Because your intimacy is just as important to us as it is to you, and we want you to be able to fully concentrate on your sexual desires and fantasies!


Image sources: SRIPjur121, SRIPjur61

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