How Does a Woman in Love with You Behave?
10 May 2017

Matters of the heart are complicated enough as it is, but how does a man know if the object of his affections really is in love with him? When you are just getting to know each other, in particular, it can be hard to tell if a woman is in love. pjur love has done some research and discovered how to tell if a woman has fallen in love.
Tell-tale signs that a woman is in love:
Does she like to spend time with you?
Women usually already know after the first date if you are The One. So, if she wants to see you again, then it’s a good sign that she likes you. Women often behave passively, especially at the beginning. If you want to see her again, you should ask her for a second date. If she replies straight away, you can be sure that she likes you. On the other hand, if she hesitates and only sends you a short reply or doesn’t even reply at all, you may be better staying away. If a woman wants to see you a lot and even suggests spending time together, that’s a sign that she could be in love with you.
Does she notice all the little details about you?
Women are particularly observant, especially in the early days when you are just getting to know each other. After all, their future partner must be a perfect match. If she is interested in you, then she will memorize every last detail that you mention. If this is the case, it could be a sign that she is falling in love with you.
Does she reply immediately and at length?
This is something we mentioned in the first point: If a woman responds in detail and quickly, then she may well have been waiting for your message and wants to see you again. If you have to wait a long time for a response or she puts you off, then it’s likely she isn’t interested and nothing is going to happen between the two of you.
Does she contact you on a regular basis?
Women like to take things slowly, especially at the beginning. Even if you don’t see each other every other day, if a woman is falling for you then she will message you regularly. Since women love speaking on the phone, then it’s a very good sign if she likes to call you. You should also get in touch with her, of course. Women often wait until you get in touch, just to make sure that you are really interested in them.
Do you exchange loving glances?
Looking deep into each other’s eyes and exchanging loving glances is not just important when you are in a relationship. It can be particularly exciting when you are getting to know someone, too. Does she hold your gaze when you look her in the eye? If so, that’s a good sign that she is really interested in you. Don’t fix her with a penetrating stare, though. Less is often more, here.
Does she worry about you and think about you?
Women are usually caring, particularly when it comes to people they like. If you are just getting to know one another and you have an exam or an important meeting coming up, she will worry about you, wish you luck, and ask you how it went. If it’s your birthday, she will think long and hard about what to get you as a present. Even if you haven’t known each other long.
Does she talk to you about personal things?
Trust is one of the most important elements in a relationship. It is particularly important to women. If she trusts you with important things and discusses secrets with you, then you know that you mean something to her and she trusts you.
Is she nervous around you?
The time you spend together is something quite special, particularly when you are just getting to know one another. You are nervous, and you often don’t know how to act around each other – after all, you want to show yourself in the best possible light. The same is true of women when they are really into you. If a woman is falling in love with you, she will be every bit as nervous as you are when the two of you meet.
Does she seek physical contact?
Even if nothing has happened yet, if she looks for physical contact with you that’s a tell-tale sign that she really likes you and can imagine taking things further. If you are spending time with friends and she sticks close to you all the time, then you know she could be falling in love with you.
Does she like to find things in common with you?
Does she try to find shared interests? It is particularly important to women to do a lot together in a relationship. Having some common ground is therefore essential. If she asks you what you are interested in and points out that she likes the same things, too, then that in itself is a good sign. It means she can imagine being in a relationship with you. Lots of women who have fallen in love also think the things that the man they are dating is interested in are great, too. Even football can become a great sport
Has she introduced you to her friends yet?
Women usually go to their friends for advice about men. Has she already introduced you to her friends? If so, then you know you mean something to her and she can imagine taking things further with you. If you haven’t met her friends yet, just wait a little while. It could simply be that she’s not ready yet but will introduce you to them soon. If you get the feeling she doesn’t want you to meet her friends, then it may be that she can’t imagine being in a relationship with you.
The checklist below can help you to tell if a woman could be in love with you. The more questions you can answer “yes” to, the more likely it is that the object of your affections has fallen in love with you:
Yes | No | |
Does she like to spend time with you? | ||
Does she notice all the little details about you? | ||
Does she reply immediately and at length? | ||
Does she contact you on a regular basis? | ||
Does she hold your gaze? | ||
Does she worry about you and think about you? | ||
Does she talk to you about personal things? | ||
Is she nervous around you? | ||
Does she seek physical contact? | ||
Does she like to find things in common with you? | ||
Has she introduced you to her friends yet? |
There are lots of signs that a woman is in love with you. All women behave differently when they are in love, of course, and not everything on our list will apply to the woman you are dating. Nevertheless, we here at pjur love hope you will now be able to tell more easily if she has fallen in love with you or not ❥