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The most popular birth control option is still the contraceptive pill. With around 55% of those using contraception choosing the pill, it is way out in front of condoms at 36%. Next is the coil, coming in even further behind at 11%. Yet contraception is still primarily a woman’s thing. It is women who take...
When it comes to birth control, our minds go first to the contraceptive pill and condoms. Yet these two options are repeatedly coming under fire, because women who take the pill are swallowing down hormones every day and many people find sex with a condom simply doesn’t feel natural enough. But what other alternatives of...
Why there’s no substitute for personal lubricant Personal lubricants come in various forms: silicone-based, water-based, oil-based and even so-called hybrid products, which are a mixture of water and silicone. They are available from numerous brands and in a vast range of different options. So you’d think there must be something for everyone. Yet there are...
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Or so the saying goes. As it happens, it’s actually true – and for women, too. There are numerous foods that can arouse feelings of sexual desire. Do you want to know what to serve your partner next time you want to make sure they...
A little foreplay before getting down to business is always important– especially for women. Usually, it’s the best way for them to get in the mood. But what really turns women on, and what do men need to get them going? Here at pjur love, we know why foreplay is so important and what truly...
Somehow it’s still a taboo subject—masturbation. Statistics tell us that 86 per cent of women and 95 per cent of men do it regularly. Hardly anyone likes to talk about it though, so why is that? This article will look not just at this question but also at why you should definitely feel free masturbating and at the...
Do you know what is meant by the term rimming or where exactly to find the A-spot? No? We may make personal lubricants, but some terms even had us stumped. To help make sure both you and we know exactly what these terms mean in future, here are a few helpful explanations in a little...
Plenty of couples have already tried it and do it regularly – anal sex. The reason it’s so popular is that the human anal region is highly sensitive, which can make stimulation of the area extremely arousing. Time and again, the subject of the anal orgasm crops up. But does it really exist? If so,...
We have already shown you that anal sex is anything but a taboo subject and can be lots of fun. And we’ve also taken a look at the best sex positions for anal intercourse. But what is a butt plug, and what is the right way to use it? Before you think about inserting your...
Gone are the days when anal sex was a taboo subject. Anyone who tries it will quickly find they enjoy it and do it more in future. However, it can be boring if you always do it in the same sex position. We’ve put together the best sex positions for anal sex for you, to...
Women hardly ever talk about it, but many regularly suffer from fungal infections or inflammation in their intimate area. Incorrect feminine hygiene is often to blame. In this article, we reveal the important points to remember and why less is often more. A woman’s intimate area This area of the body is particularly sensitive, so...
These days, it’s almost become common courtesy to shave your bikini area. But not all shaves are the same. Do you prefer the Hollywood, do you swear by a landing strip or do you like to go all romantic with a little heart? Intimate shaving can be all of that. No idea what we’re talking...