pjur Lubricant Guide: Everything You Need to Know About Using Personal Lubricants

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Are you new to using personal lubricants but want to finally try it out? Or are you a lube expert but want to finally stop having to think about your natural lubrication and want to enjoy your sex life? We have compiled all the important information and FAQs here for you so that you can feel free and safe using lubricants in the future.

Contents of your pjur Lubricant Guide:

  1. Why you can and should use personal lubricants!
  2. What types of lubricants can be selected
  3. This is how you use personal lubricants correctly
  4. How much lubricant is really needed?
  5. Why is using lubricant a MUST when having anal sex?
  6. How long does lube stay good to use?
  7. Lubricant and sensitive skin – Is that a problem?
  8. Is lubricant safe during oral sex?
  9. Personal lubricants and condoms – what you need to consider
  10. Using personal lubricants with your sex toys
  11. Using personal lubricants during pregnancy and prior to pregnancy
  12. Is it a good idea to use some other alternative instead of lubricants?

Why you can and should use personal lubricants!

First thing’s first: There are a lot of good reasons to use personal lubricants:

  • So you can have sex for a long time without the friction becoming painful.
  • For anal sex. There is a complete lack of natural moisture with this type of sex, which is why you absolutely must use lubricant.
  • For masturbation – male or female!
  • For a sensual or relaxing massage
  • To support yourself and your body
  • So that you are finally completely satisfied with your sex life.
  • Because you take care of your genital mucous membrane by using lube.
  • So that you can enjoy your sexuality and your climax better.
  • Because you can improve your relationship by using personal lubricant and having a more fulfilled sex life.

If you are also still unsure whether you really want to use a lube, you don’t have any more doubts now, do you?

Nevertheless, the question still remains: what personal lubricant is the right one for you?

What types of lubricants can be selected

We have silicone-based personal lubricants and water-based personal lubricants with different ingredients in our product range, including a hybrid lube extra for your toys. Decide for yourself which lubricant is best for your sexual desires and needs!

Silicone-based lubricants

What is a silicone-based personal lubricant?

What is a silicone-based personal lubricant?

Our lubes made from silicone include high-quality silicone. Silicone is bigger than the pores of the skin so it remains on the surface of your skin. If forms a breathable protective film which gives you lubrication for an extremely long time and leaves your skin with a silky feeling.

These are our most popular silicone lubes: pjur ORIGINAL & pjur WOMAN

Here you can find even more silicone lubricants. Is your favorite personal lubricant one of these?

Our tip: You should always use a silicone-based personal lubricant for anal sex! A silicone-based lubricant will feel best for you because there is a lack of natural moisture in this area.

Water-based lubricants

Water-based personal lubricant is mainly made from water. It is absorbed into the top layers of the skin and moisturizes your vaginal mucous membrane. pjur water-based personal lubricants are enriched with natural substances, which moisturize the mucous membrane of your vagina and care for your skin at the same time.

These are just a few of our water-based personal lubricants: pjur AQUA, pjur WOMAN AQUA & pjur WOMAN Nude

Here you can find even more. You will surely find the right water-based lube for you among them!

Our tip: Repeatedly reapply our water-based personal lubricants so you can experience many sensual moments.

Hybrid lubricants

Hybrid personal lubricants are water-based but they contain a small share of silicone, making them perfectly suitable for use with sex toys. They can be used with all sex toys, regardless of the material they are made from. Of course, they also provide lubrication for a long time. So the next time you use your toys, these lubes are the perfect choice. 😉

We bring the benefits of water and silicone together in our pjur Toy Lube.

You can also find oil-based lubricants available from other vendors – but not from us. We do not sell these types of lubes and would not recommend them, because they are not water-soluble and therefore have to be washed off with soap. You also cannot use them with condoms.

When selecting your personal lubricant, take the time you need! If you are clear about which aims and desires you have for your sex life, you should make sure you have invested enough time and use a lube that has the best quality and consistency.

Once you have decided on a lube, we will tell you how you can apply the lube correctly so that you can use it right away.

This is how you use personal lubricants correctly

How to use a personal lubricant

How to use a personal lubricant

Do you have this lube bottle at home and think now what? Basically, it is really easy and you should follow these five steps:

Step 1 If you have never used lube before, put a small amount on your finger to get a sense of what it feels like.
Step 2 First, try it out by gently massaging a little bit on yourself to find out how much lube you need and what feels good to you.
Step 3 A nickel-sized amount is usually enough.
Step 4 Then apply the lubricant to your or your partner’s genital area with your fingertips or the inside of your hand.
Step 5 Of course, the lube can also be used with your sex toy or when you manually stimulate each other.

By the way: The lube can feel a little cold when you begin using it, but it will warm up quickly to the temperature of your skin. The most important thing is that it feels comfortable for you.

Do you still have a few other questions about the topic of personal lubricants? You are not alone, and we have many answers for you here.

How much lubricant is really needed?

Naturally, it always depends on how much you need at the time and what it is being used for, but we recommend starting with a nickel-sized amount of lube. It is best to just apply it to your finger and try a little bit out to see if the amount is enough for you. You can always still apply more later 😉

Why is using lubricant a MUST when having anal sex?

Using lubricant is a MUST when having anal sex

Using lubricant is a MUST when having anal sex

There is no natural moisture in the anal area, which is why using a lube here is a MUST. Otherwise you risk injuries through too much friction, ruining your sensual moment. For this reason, there is no such thing as having too much lube when having anal sex, and it is best to select one that is specially made for anal sex.

How long does lube stay good to use?

You can find a use-by date on our personal lubricants. This is the date up until they can be used if the bottles have not been opened yet. Once they are opened, this changes. Our personal lubricants usually have a shelf-life of 5 years. Once you have opened the lube you can use it for up to six months unless the use-by date on the product is at an earlier point in time.

Lubricant and sensitive skin – Is that a problem?

Your intimate area is just as important to us as it is to you

Your intimate area is just as important to us as it is to you

Your intimate area is just as important to us as it is to you. For this reason, we make sure that our lubes feel good for you during sex and afterwards. Some of our personal lubricants even give your skin extra care. If you have sensitive skin, our water-based lubricants with soothing active ingredients are a great choice for you.

The pjur med REPAIR GLIDE, for example, is a water-based personal lubricant with hyaluron, which boosts your love life. It regenerates your skin over the long-term, enhances foreplay through the long-lasting lubrication and creates sensual moments.

Is lubricant safe during oral sex?

Do you enjoy oral sex but are unsure whether lubricant is ok to use? Our answer: If your lube contains harmless active ingredients, you can use it 😊 You should really only be mindful of the quality of your lubricant. This blog article will help you find out what you should keep in mind when buying a personal lubricant.

You can always rely on the quality of our pjur products, even with oral sex, because we promise you they:

  • Guarantee a consistent, perfectly tuned lubricant quality for all of your preferences
  • Are reliable and sensual to use during all sex practices
  • Give you a sense of security so you can have your mind free for enjoying a pleasurable experience


Personal lubricants and condoms

Personal lubricants and condoms

Personal lubricants and condoms – what you need to consider

When using personal lubricants and condoms, you must be a little careful, because some lubes can weaken the material that condoms are made out of so that they are no longer safe to use. Oil-based lubricants, for example, can damage condoms. However, you can be sure that our lubes are ok since they have all undergone a condom test and are compatible with latex condoms.

Using personal lubricants with your sex toys

You can use water-based personal lubricants with sex toys! It is always important to be a little careful with silicone-based lubes. There are some silicones that can corrode toys made out of silicon. We have had our silicone-based personal lubricants tested, and renowned toy manufacturers have confirmed that our silicone lubes are suitable in long-term tests. We are not aware of any cases to the contrary. We use particularly high-quality silicones which are also used in the cosmetic industry. Nevertheless, we always recommend you test out our lubricants on a small area of your toy beforehand 😊

Using personal lubricants during pregnancy and prior to pregnancy

Before, during and after a pregnancy it is even more important for many women to know which products they can use safely. We cannot speak about all lubricants, but when it comes to the pjur lubes, you do not have to be worried about them having any type of negative impact. Our lubes only contain specially selected, high-quality ingredients that meet high quality standards. And our lubes stand out due to their excellent tolerability, and they do not have a positive or negative impact on a wanted pregnancy.

Is it a good idea to use some other alternative instead of lubricants?

Shower gel, saliva, baby oil or water – if you are thinking about using these alternatives to lubes, you would be better off if you didn’t. They can injure your genital area. For example, they can cause a yeast infection, promote vaginal dryness, or disrupt the natural pH value. Therefore, keep your hands off these alternatives! We have a large selection of lubes – and surely the right one for you.

Personal lubricants are part of a satisfied love life

Personal lubricants are part of a satisfied love life

For us, personal lubricants are a part of a satisfied love life and they can contribute to improving your wellbeing. After all, you should have a clear head to explore your sex life, improve your sex life and therefore relax your mind and body.

Enjoy a satisfied love life! Always.


Image sources: SRIPjur13, SRIPjur49, SRIPjur89, SRIPjur82, SRIPjur192, pexels-cottonbro-3923177, SRIPjur216

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