Sex from Behind – What is Anal Sex Like for Women?

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These days anal sex crops up a lot in porn, and women are becoming increasingly interested in it – to the point where the word on the street is that “anal is the new oral.” Yet the thought of anal sex gets way too many of us red in the face, doesn’t it? Which is why we need to talk more openly about it. So, what is anal sex like for women? That’s the question we aim to answer here.

Anal sex from a woman’s perspective

Anal sex – like all sex – is different for every woman. We can’t just say “This is what it feels like” for everyone, because every woman experiences it differently. But one thing is sure: communication, consensus, preparation, and safety are all critical to make it a good experience. The increasing popularity of anal porn, even among women, is a fascinating development. Some women rave about the intense sensations and the extra stimulation of their erogenous zones that they experience during anal sex. For some it can be incredibly arousing! But of course, that doesn’t mean that it’s like that for all women. Some women experience pain or discomfort, particularly if they aren’t prepared or relaxed enough.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether anal sex is something that you want to try. If you decide go for it, remember to listen to your body and your limits. Be honest with yourself and your partner. The most important thing is that it’s a positive experience for everyone.

The right preparation for anal sex

Anal sex is only enjoyable if you prepare properly. And that starts with consent. Nobody needs to do their partner a favor. Both of you should want the adventure. Drunkenly rushing into anal sex can also be a bad idea, because you might be too rough and risk hurting yourself or your partner. It’s best to discuss it together first and agree a safe word to make your limits clear. We recommend using an anal douche to prepare properly, so you don’t need to worry about hygiene.

The absolute essentials for anal sex

Prepare yourself with the right equipment – we advise that you always use personal lubricant, because the anus doesn’t get naturally wet. And if you want too much at once, you risk pain and bleeding. It’s perfectly normal for the sphincter to need time to take the penis. So, it’s better to start slowly with fingers and narrow anal dildos. On your first attempt, the body will need a lot of time to get used to the new feeling. It doesn’t matter if you cut things short. If you’ve just started jogging, you don’t run a marathon straight away. 😉

Sex toys for the anus

Discover the wide variety of sex toys that the anal world has to offer:

Whatever some people might say, all anal toys are suitable for any gender. The only exception to this is prostate vibrators, which are primarily aim to please men. But not only men! As we’ve said before, exceptions often prove the rule. Ultimately, you’re the only one who can decide whether you want to use a plug, dildo, or vibrator.

Useful accessory for anal toys

There are some other things that it’s worth having around. Every sex toy needs some care and protection against environmental influences. If you’re an active user of anal toys, you should always have the following products in the house:

A clean storage box or bag is not just needed to be tidy and discreet – it also protects your toys from dust and UV radiation, both of which can damage materials like silicone. Dust even increases the risk of infection! It’s also a good idea for you to store your toys in the dark at room temperature. Heat and cold can both cause damage too.

Pink background and in the foreground blue glastoys for anal area.
Try something new.

Anal sex: Our top tips

  • Talk about it! Before trying your anal sex experiment, you need to discuss it openly with your partner. It’s not a good idea to spontaneously take the back passage – especially if you’ve not got a lot of experience with anal sex. Talk first about your expectations and what you absolutely don’t want to do.
  • Preparation is everything: Unlike vaginal sex, anal sex requires a bit of planning. First, shower thoroughly so you feel really clean. Make sure there’s some personal lubricant on your bedside table – because the anus doesn’t produce lubricant naturally. You could also take a bath together to relax, put on some soothing music, and get out the essential oils.
  • Always go slow! Don’t suddenly rush into things. Is the personal lubricant on hand? Then start by stretching the anus. Gently. Your partner can use their fingers, tongue, or even sex toys. Penetrate slowly – ideally, choose a position where you can control how deeply you’re penetrated, like the cowgirl. Gently feel your way there, as far as feels good for you.
  • Give feedback: Anal sex, orgasm, finished? No! You should talk about what you enjoyed and what might make it better if you try it again, especially if you’ve taken the back passage for the first time. With a bit of practice, anal sex will go from being an experiment to a real alternative.

To sum things up, let’s just say that the experience of anal sex is different for every woman. Always pay attention to needs and limits, so it’s always a respectful and fulfilling sexual experience. Every person and every relationship is unique, and it’s important to make communication, empathy, and mutual understanding the focus. So you can enjoy passionate and satisfying time together. 😊

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Image sources: pexels-henry-mejĂ­a-14364889, pexels-anna-shvets-5187563

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