Surviving Christmas and New Year When You’re Single

It’s that time of year again when single people feel lonely in particular. Everywhere you look there are happy couples, and when it’s cold outside and you’re curled up on your own on the sofa, then you really feel alone. So, does the thought of the festive build-up, Christmas and New Year fill you with dread, too? It shouldn’t! The festive period, Christmas and New Year’s Eve can be one of the nicest times in the year—including when you’re single. pjur love reveals how ♥

The festive build-up when you’re single

Sure, it’s nice to wander around the Christmas markets as a couple, go shopping for presents together and come up with a great idea for a present for your partner. But then again, you also have more freedom without a partner:

  • You can meet up with friends at the Christmas market and drink mulled wine to your heart’s content.
  • You also save money, as you don’t have to buy your partner a present. Instead, you can treat yourself to something nice 😊 Just buy yourself a Christmas present. After all, you’re the one who ultimately knows best what you’d really like for Christmas.
  • If you’re really feeling lonely, simply go shopping one Saturday in the run-up to Christmas 😉 This is when the streets are usually so overcrowded that you’ll definitely not feel lonely any more, and you’ll probably be glad when you’re finally at home on your own again.
  • On Sundays, when many couples simply spend a cosy day on the sofa, you can consciously plan some time for yourself. Do some exercise, book a spa day, or simply meet up with one of your girlfriends or one of your mates. That’s usually enough to ward off feelings of loneliness.


Most people plan to spend the Christmas period with family anyway. In fact, if you’re single you can count yourself lucky if you perhaps even get to have a day away from all the hustle and bustle of Christmas—and all the family dramas. What’s more, when you’re single you only have to visit your own family instead of somehow having to split yourself between your partner’s family and your own. And that’s much less stressful, don’t you think? Here are a few more tips for the Christmas period when you’re single:

  • When you’re in a relationship, you have to spend time both with your own family and your partner’s. Not only is that usually stressful, but it also means there are lots of people you have to find the perfect present for. When you’re single, you only have to spend Christmas with your family, who you know inside out, of course, so it’s much easier to think up what presents to get them. And even if you don’t come up with the perfect present, it’s not going to start a family feud, either.
  • You’re not the only one who’ll be on their own on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. The clubs will usually still be open. So, first go and eat your fill with your family and then go and party, without having to think about whether your partner may already have other plans. Sounds tempting, doesn’t it?
  • Give yourself a present. You’ve earnt it, and since you don’t have to spend as much money on present shopping anyway, that leaves all the more for you. Ideally, get your present gift-wrapped in the shop and unwrap it on Christmas Day 😊 Then you’ll see how much fun it can be!
New year, new opportunity

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New Year

New year, new opportunity—to leave the old year behind and look to the future full of anticipation. That’s exactly how you should look at New Year’s Eve when you’re single. After all, you have all your options open to you, and maybe by next year you won’t be on your own at New Year. You should definitely make plans in advance for New Year’s Eve, though, so you don’t end up sitting at home on your own when 31st December comes around. That can be really depressing. But there are lots of ways you can enjoy New Year’s Eve when you’re single:

  • Going to a party that goes on into the small hours is probably the best thing you can do to survive New Year’s Eve if you’re single, and there are plenty of options. Whether it’s a party at a nightclub in your local town, a New Year’s Eve party at a friend’s house or your own party that you throw at home—the most important thing at any party, however, is to make sure you’re not the only one there who’s single. Otherwise, things start to get depressing around midnight. But there are enough people out there who are single—and perhaps you’ll even find someone to flirt with on New Year’s Eve!
  • Spend New Year in a city abroad or simply get away for some sun—these are also good ways to survive New Year if you’re single. Just leave it all behind and start the new year completely relaxed.
  • How about a girls’ night or a night with the boys? Just have a night without the opposite sex, doing whatever it is girls or boys like to do. Whether it’s a spa evening for the girls or a poker night for the boys—anything goes 😊

Being single shouldn’t have to be frustrating—even at Christmas or New Year. There are plenty of ways to make sure you spend the most wonderful time of the year and the celebration of love the way you want to—surrounded only by things and doing only things that do you good. So you start the new year on a high!

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