When Sexual Desire Dwindles – Low Sex Drive in Women

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When was the last time you had sex? It’s a question many women don’t like to answer. Sometimes a woman can barely remember the last time and feels ashamed about it. Lots of women have the same problem and somewhere along the way simply lose interest in sex. But why are women particularly affected by this, what causes it, and are there any tips to help women rekindle the passion after they’ve lost their sexual desire?

Low sexual desire in women

According to an American study, almost 30% of all women have experienced an extended period of low libido at some point. Some women even suffer so severely from the problem that they are said to have a sexual dysfunction. Although the couple love each other, fun between the sheets becomes a thing of the past. The woman simply isn’t interested in having sex with her partner. There are a number of possible causes.

When a woman suffers from a low sex drive, there may be a physical or psychological reason or it could also be caused by problems in the relationship. Often, it is a combination of these factors, making it a highly complex problem. It also makes a difference whether the lack of sexual desire is something which has appeared suddenly or whether the problem has already been going on for a long time. In these cases, women are also said to have a libido disorder or even to have lost their libido.

Physical causes

Hormones, organs or a medical condition—these can all be responsible for a lack of interest in sex in women. Often, women have too little of the male sex hormone testosterone in their blood, resulting in a woman having a low sex drive. Being on the contraceptive pill can be a crucial factor here. However, it is during the menopause that women are most commonly affected by low testosterone levels. This is due to the fact that lower levels of testosterone are produced in the ovaries once a woman’s monthly periods have stopped, resulting in a lower sex drive in those women affected. The same is true of women who have had their ovaries removed. These women also complain of a lack of interest in sex, as the male hormone testosterone—which is so important to sexual desire—is then only produced in the adrenal cortex. In addition, medical conditions such as diabetes, hypothyroidism and high blood pressure can also be a crucial factor in women who have no interest in sex.

Psychological/emotional causes

The mind can also have a major influence on sexual desire. Women suffering from depression or a psychosis commonly also complain of a lack of interest in sex. In addition, medication taken for these conditions can also be responsible for sexual dysfunctions. There are also possible emotional causes as well as psychological causes. In the modern world, women are often subjected to a great number of stress factors. Work, everyday life, children—women have to perform in all these areas of life. For some women, the pressure simply becomes too much and sexual apathy creeps in.

Low sexual desire in women

Relationship problems

Of course, sometimes the relationship is the whole issue. For example, it may be that things aren’t going all that well in the relationship anymore. A couple find themselves arguing a lot and barely any spend time together. In many couples, interest in sex disappears automatically in this scenario. Or perhaps a woman’s low sex drive is also connected to a sexual problem her partner is experiencing, such as premature ejaculation, or perhaps her partner has simply stopped caring about his appearance. This, too, can result in decreased interest in sex—in both men and women.

Ways to help combat low sexual desire

As mentioned above, there are lots of possible causes or triggers for a lack of sexual desire. If a low sex drive is the result of a medical condition, it is vital to consult a doctor. Generally speaking, a visit to your GP will always be worthwhile. He or she will look in detail at the history of the patient’s symptoms and try to find a solution. However, the following tips may also help to rekindle sexual desire:

  • Accepting your own body and feeling sexy is a step in the right direction already. It is only possible to let go and enjoy sex if you feel good about yourself in the first place. It can help simply to stand in front of a mirror and look for features that you find attractive yourself. Forms of exercise such as yoga and pilates can also be worthwhile to boost your awareness of your own body.
  • Masturbating can not only be lots of fun, it also stimulates the libido, which in turn can lead to an increased interest in sex. Masturbating in front of your partner can also be a turn-on and can rekindle your desire for one another.
  • For a lot of women, the main problem during sex is their own mind. The trick is to switch off and simply engage with your partner and enjoy the time as a couple. If your mind stays switched on, many women find themselves thinking instead about that load of washing that still needs hanging out, instead of enjoying the time together and engaging fully.
  • What turns me on and what do I like? To increase your sexual desire, it is important to know the answers to these questions and perhaps to give your partner a few tips on what particularly does it for you. Only then can sex be enjoyable and make you want more.
  • Sometimes a change of scenery can also give you an appetite for more. Instead of only ever having sex in bed, just the thought of having sex in unusual places can even be arousing.
  • Things don’t always have to go perfectly between the sheets. If something goes wrong, it’s important to laugh about it. Humour can also form a bond during sex and create a good atmosphere.
  • If there is no passion in the bedroom, it can help to heighten your own senses again. To do this, it can be a good idea to blindfold each other and then explore your partner’s body with your fingers. And of course, you’ll feel as though your body is being touched in a completely new way, too.

Low sex drive can affect all women, no matter what their age or situation in life. The important thing is that you don’t simply live with it but do something about it. If your lack of interest in sex continues for a long time, it is important to see a doctor. In addition to the tips above for possible ways to increase sexual desire, there are plenty more ways to rekindle the passion. Just experiment and find out what you enjoy!

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