pjur attends Aids Charity Event in Hong Kong

Wasserbillig, Luxembourg, DECEMBER 2014. On Friday, 5th December, the international organization called “AIDS Concern” held its “Red and Silver” Charity Dinner in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong. Many celebrities supported this high-spirited event, focused on AIDS awareness. Jordan Weiser, pjur Sales Director of Asia was invited to attend.
The dinner was organized so that local AIDS organizations and partners who support work on HIV and AIDS could get together. Organizations can help influence each other for the better. The money which was raised will be used to support local AIDS prevention, education and services for people living with HIV. “We at pjur always try and support these types of charitable events with special zeal, since this worldwide crisis is personal to us. We hope our support will one day end this terrible battle. I was very pleased that I received an invitation and was able to meet many other supporters of the many organizations”, Jordan said.
pjur has supported different charitable events for many years, and participates in diverse international projects for AIDS prevention, against discrimination of persons infected with HIV and many others.More information about AIDS Concern can be found on http://aidsconcern.org.hk/index.php?route=common/home.
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